Saturday, December 26, 2015

Returning Officer - Called off for today


Returning officer called off for the day.

The invalid votes were announced by the returning officer arriving at provisional total valid votes for Central Council and Regional Council.

The first count starts tomorrow morning 10 AM.

Good Night folks.

Stay viewed and post your comments.

139 Booths and Postal Votes Tallied and announced by Returning Officer


All 139 booths are tallied and announced by returning officer. These numbers are subject to final consolidation and also subject to verification of invalid ballots from ballot boxes.

Next is fixation of Quota.

Expected Quota for CC may be slightly below 3000.

Expected Quota for RC may be slightly below 1500.

Stay viewed and write your comments below the post.

@ 07:25 PM from Counting Venue



The ballot papers are, in the first place, examined and invalid papers are rejected and excluded from the process of counting. The total value of the valid votes is then calculated by multiplying the number of such votes by 100, as mentioned above. This total value is then divided by the number of vacancies increased by one, and the quotient increased by one gives the value that is required for any candidate to get elected. This figure is termed as the “quota”. 

114 Booths are Tallied and announced by Returning Officer

@ 06:36 PM from Counting Venue

Postal Votes tallied and announced by Returning Officer

@ 06:15 PM from Counting Venue

98 Booths are Tallied and announced by Returning Officer

@ 05:48 PM from Counting Venue

What is happening at counting venue today?


Postal Votes: At the time of counting of votes, the covers containing the postal ballot papers are opened and the voting papers are separated. 

Booth Votes: To these are added the ballot papers taken out from the ballot boxes used at different polling booths. 

81 Booths are Tallied and announced by Returning Officer


Candidates in Venue now:
  1. Nithin Mahadevappa
  2. Prasanna Kumar D
  3. Yarra Thirupathiah
  4. Suneel Kumar Appaji
  5. Dayaniwas Sharma
  6. Hemavathi Ramachandran
  7. Venugopal Swami
  8. Alagappan V
  9. Aruloli P R
  10. Marimuthu R
  11. Gopal Krishna Raju

Representatives of candidates in Venue now:
  1. Sekar G
  2. Rajendra Kumar P
  3. Veluri Yasaswy Sharma
  4. Uma Maheshwara Rao O K
  5. Revathi S Raghunathan
  6. Madhukar Narayan Hiregange
  7. Suresh P R
  8. Babu Abraham Kallivayalil
  9. Dhavalagi Chandramappa Ramanna
  10. Vikash Nahar
  11. Vijay Kumar M P
Expected few more to join ..........
Tea Break Now for ICAI Counting Officials

@ 05:30 PM from Counting Venue

Until next ballot tally is received let's see the Hyderabad polling areawise

66 Booths are tallied and announced by Returning Officer


Candidates in Venue now:
  1. Nithin Mahadevappa
  2. Prasanna Kumar D
  3. Yarra Thirupathiah
  4. Suneel Kumar Appaji
  5. Dayaniwas Sharma
  6. Hemavathi Ramachandran
  7. Venugopal Swami
  8. Alagappan V
  9. Aruloli P R
  10. Marimuthu R
  11. Gopal Krishna Raju

Representatives of candidates in Venue now:
  1. Rajendra Kumar P
  2. Veluri Yasaswy Sharma
  3. Uma Maheshwara Rao O K
  4. Revathi S Raghunathan
  5. Madhukar Narayan Hiregange
  6. Suresh P R
  7. Babu Abraham Kallivayalil
  8. Dhavalagi Chandramappa Ramanna
  9. Vikash Nahar
Expected few more to join ..........

@ 04:15 PM from Counting Venue

Untill Hyderabad boxes are tallied lets see some statistics of Hyderabad Polling


Candidates in Venue now:
  1. Nithin Mahadevappa
  2. Prasanna Kumar D
  3. Yarra Thirupathiah
  4. Suneel Kumar Appaji
  5. Dayaniwas Sharma
  6. Hemavathi Ramachandran
  7. Venugopal Swami
  8. Alagappan V
  9. Gopal Krishna Raju

Representatives of candidates in Venue now:
  1. Rajendra Kumar P
  2. Veluri Yasaswy Sharma
  3. Uma Maheshwara Rao O K
  4. Revathi S Raghunathan
  5. Madhukar Narayan Hiregange
  6. Suresh P R
  7. Babu Abraham Kallivayalil
  8. Dhavalagi Chandramappa Ramanna
  9. Vikash Nahar
Expected few more to join ..........

47 Booths are tallied and announced by Returning Officer

As announced by returning officer, in Booth No: S039 - TWO votes are tendered and in Booth No: S040 - ONE vote are tendered. So far 252 & 266 only are in respective Ballot Boxes, the extra 3 tendered votes will be verified and confirmed for inclusion in the total ballots.

What is a tendered vote? When a voter who could not be verified in polling booth by the polling officers but on demand and insistence of voter the ballot is tendered and sent separately to returning officer for verification to be included or excluded

@ 02:50 PM from counting venue

38 Booth are tallied and announced by Returning Officer


As announced by returning officer, now the polling officers have gone for lunch. Will get the next Update may be after 1 hour.

@ 2:20 PM from Counting Venue

21 Booths CC and RC Ballots verified and tallied...balance booth ballot verification going on


As announced by returning officer, In Bangalore Booth No: S016 - Two Ballot papers are not there inside ballot boxes. Only the two voters knows the reason. 

Counting venue officials busy in checking ballot papers. Balance booths ballot papers are being opened and verified.......postal votes are almost verified...waiting to get valid and invalid postal votes.

@ 01:10 PM at Counting Venue

20% Ballot Boxes are being opened and verified


So far 20% Ballot Boxes are being opened and verified.

The boothwise ballots are tallied for RC and CC and are being announced by returning officer.

Will post the numbers in few minutes.

@ 12.05 PM from counting venue

Candidates and Representatives at Counting Venue


Candidates in Venue now:
  1. Nithin Mahadevappa
  2. Prasanna Kumar D
  3. Yarra Thirupathiah
  4. Suneel Kumar Appaji
  5. Dayaniwas Sharma
  6. Gopal Krishna Raju

Representatives of the following candidates in Venue now:
  1. Rajendra Kumar P
  2. Veluri Yasaswy Sharma
  3. Uma Maheshwara Rao O K
  4. Revathi Raghunathan
  5. Madhukar Hiregange
  6. Suresh P R
  7. Babu Abraham Kallivayalil
Expected some more to join today..........

Counting Venue

From Counting venue


Ballot Boxes are opened.

Balance Postal votes are being opened and scrutinized.

Hope to get numbers in few hours.

Stay viewed and post your comments below.

Southern Region - Counting status as of 10 PM on 25th December


ICAI counting venue officials were opening the covers and verifying Postal votes till 09:30 PM on 25th Dec and closed for the day to be continued tomorrow 26th Dec morning by 10:00 AM.
The officials still have to consolidate the valid postal votes and categorize the invalid postal votes reason-wise for their rejection. 
Stay viewed and post your comments below.
Temperature now in Delhi is 8 degrees. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr