Monday, December 28, 2015

Waiting for announcement


Waiting for returning officer to announce on the distribution of S.No: 33 - Shivakumar H.

Alone in the counting venue. Waiting........

26 officials are doing it. They are also exhausted.

Hope to get the numbers soon before midnight

RC - Position after 18th Elimination of S.No: 35 Subba Rao M

@ 10:29 pm from counting venue

Congrats to E. Phalguna Kumar

What is happenning now at Counting Venue?


Tonight is a long night here. The counting officials have announced that they will do the eliminations overnight.

Only me & one more RC candidate representive are here.

Climate is very chill.

Tired and exhausted.

CC - Declared Elected

@ 09:00 pm from Counting Venue

RC - Position after 17th Elimination of S.No: 12 Hariharan CS

@ 09:29 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after 16th Elimination of S.No: 27 - Revathi S Raghunathan

@ 08:15 pm from counting venue

The waiting game


Here few candidates and representatives are waiting for ICAI officials to announce the next round distribution numbers.

@ 08:00 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after 15th Elimination of S.No: 15 - Jayaprakash

@ 07:19 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after 14th Elimination of S.No: 5 - Bharati TLN

@ 06:11 pm from counting venue

CC - Position after 16th Elimination of Suresh PR

@ 05:37 from counting venue

Guru Kripa is there for all...Jaya Jaya Sankara ...Hara Hara Sankara

RC - Position after 13th Elimination of S.No: 8 - Dhavalagi C R

@ 04:56 pm from counting venue

CC - Position after 15th Elimination of S.No: 10 - Nithin M

@ 04:37 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after distribution of Surplus of Jomon K George

@ 03:42 pm from counting venue

Congrats to Cotha Srinivas and Jomon K George

Congratulations to

Cotha S Srinivas 


Jomon K George

Now surplus of Jomon is being distributed now.

RC - Position after 12th Elimination of S.No:21 - K P Muralidharan

@ 03:01 pm from counting venue

CC - Position after 14th Elimination of S.No: 2 - P R Aruloli

@ 03:31 pm from counting venue


Candidates in the counting venue now

  1. Prasanna Kumar D
  2. Alagappan V
  3. Dhavalagi C R
  4. Yarra Thirupathiah
  5. Gopal Krishna Raju

RC - Position after 11th Elimination of S.No: 37 - O K Uma Maheshwara Rao

@ 02:22 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after 10th Elimination of S.No: 38 - YV Sarma

@12:52 pm from counting venue

CC - Position after 12th & 13th Elimination of Madhavamurthy & Dayaniwas Sharma

@ 12:41 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after 9th Elimination of S.No: 20 - R Marimuthu

@ 12:26 pm from counting venue

RC - Position after elimination of S.No: 36 - Sunil Kumar Jain

@ 11:56 am from counting venue

RC - Position after elimination of Dileep Kumar & Kandasamy

@ 11:44 am from counting venue

CC - After Elimination of S.No:13 - P V Rajarajeswaran

@ 11:18 AM from Counting Venue

CC - Position after elimination of S. No: 1 - S Ambika

@ 11:10 am from Counting Venue